
Showing posts from July, 2016

Back To School 2016; Tips & Ideas [ENG] || Mahadevi Effia

cr ; tumblr Hi! Welcome back to my blog, it's Dev here! So today i bring many tips and ideas for you guys. A. School Supplies - Use a good pencil case. Choose medium size because it's the right-est way. - Don't forget to bring pens, pencils, sharpener, eraser, stabilo, ruler, and etc that you need! - Buy an iron-ruler because it's multi-purpose thing. - Notebook? It must be comfy for you. And this one is up to you. There are many designs that you can choose! - How about backpack? I suggest you to buy an adidas' backpack because it's strong. Jansport is also a perfect backpack! I love it soooo soooo much.   cr ; google - Agenda / Journal. It's really helpful. You're a busy person? Yeah, you're so match with this one thing. cr ; tumblr B. Outfits - Wear your uniform. And then, wear a tumblr-ish sweater! Aw! It's so cute! cr ; tumblr - Shoes? There are so many kinds of shoes! Nike, New Balance, Adidas, Airwalk, Vans,...

Happy Eid Mubarak!

Hi guys! Happy Eid Mubarak for every moslem around the world. Hopefully our fasting can be accepted by Allah swt. Minal aidzin wal faidzin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin. #SelamatHariRaya 🌜 Sorry for a latepost! Xoxo, Devi.

Hang Out! || Captain America ; Civil War

credit to Google Hi! Jadi, di artikel "Hang Out!" pertamaku ini, aku mau cerita cerita aja sih. Ini totally latepost karena.......... entahlah. Hari itu, entah hari apa yang penting awal bulan April 2016, aku udah punya rencana untuk nonton my favorite movie ever! Aku suka banget sama The Avengers, aw! Paling suka, sih, sama Robert Downey Jr. aka Iron Man. Dan pas mau nonton film ini, temen temen aku pada langsung nge spoil "Iron man ntar mati lho dev" wtf kalian semua:) Denger kalian kek gitu, mood langsung ancur sampe males banget mau nonton. Sebel pokoknya, hahahaha. Jadi aku ke Hartono Mall, Yogyakarta jam setengah 3 sore dari rumah bareng keluarga. Sampe sana, ternyata filmnya udah diputar 5 menit sebelumnya. Kita langsung buru-buru ngambil yang jam itu biar cepet. Abis beli tiket, langsung deh beli Caramel Popcorn (one of my fav). Daaaaann, masuk ke bioskopnya deh. Udah deg deg an banget, takut ada apa-apa yang terjadi oleh....... MY TONY STARK :( Se...