DIY Recipes

Hi, guys! Today, i want to share a special recipes. And it's secrets, okay? *shhh. And don't forget to leave a comment after you read it! :) 

1. OREO FRAPP (Starbucks Menu)
Ingredients : 
- 3 ons of cold espresso / strong coffee
- 1/2 cup of liquid milk
- 3 OREO
- 1 1/4 cup ice cube
- Chocochip for garnish

How to cook :
- Blend the cold espresso, milk, oreo, and ice cube until smooth
- If it finish, you can pour it to the glass
- You can add a whipped cream on the top of it
- And then, sow the chocochip as a garnish

2. MC FLURRIES (McDonald)

Ingredients :
- 2 cups of Vanilla Ice Cream
- 1/4 cup of liquid milk
- Kitkat / Chaca

How to cook :
- Mash the kitkat up until be a crumbs
- Mix the ice cream with the liquid milk
- Stir it until thick
- You can mix it again with Chaca / Kitkat crumbs

3. Oreo Milk Blend (J.CO Menu)

Ingredients :
- a taste of ice
- 3 OREO
- a taste of coffee
- a taste of liquid milk
- 3 tbs of a sugar ^^

How to cook :
- Prepare the blender
- Mix all of the ingredients one by one
- Turn on the blender and set it to the medium
- Blend it for 1 minutes

So, thanks for visiting my blog. And thanks too for trying my recipe. And i hope you like it:) bye~
Don't forget to :
Follow me on instagram : @mahadevieffia
Follow me on twitter : @mahadevieffiaa 
Thanks! :)


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